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Milliondollar baby!!

 Just wanna let you guys know how much I would appreciate any kind of sponsorship right now.. see it as a Schoolarship. Today I found the perfect course for me and its about 18 month long and cost ..ehm.. a bit more then I can afford. Diploma Of Fitness is not a free course I tell you that much.. Save save save. If the Norwegian Government just could tell me how much I´ll recieve in october my life would feel a little bit easier.
I pray for a little miracle there and if its not comes true I just have to close my eyes and see myself as the dude below.

I have the best imagination..wow its something special in my head right now.
God gave us some, or alot, of rain this arvo and nite. As I told someone... "I just wanna run a lap outside in the rain!!"
Why not take a detour to someone and say Hello.. absolutly perfect Idea.
Well, the detour didnt happend but as I said imagination is as powerfull as the reality sometimes.
If would do the lap it deffo have to be in something white ;)



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