Weekly update.
I forgot my camera last tuesday and I am so sorry for that, It might be some pics circle around internet.
Leaving rain and shitty weather for 30 degrees next week. So excited!
Met Justin Bieber (what ever that means..) which was odd since the fans went mental, never ever seen girls that starstruck!
Some one just opened 1000 doors for me and I can´t decide which one I should pick?
Best of all, payment will be insanly nice this month!
Leaving the old behind me and Im not looking back, its an amazing feeling.
Circus time!
Photo: Kristoffer Andersson from Kollektiv Tirsdag crew.
All I can think about today is..
Will it be tigers running around in the club today?
When the circus is in town the venue Fugazi are always changing.
Bringing my camera for some answers.
Grand Opening Party
photos: Emelie Hamberg/Hans Stenseng.
Leaving the picture to tell the story.
All I have to say is..
That was a perfect party!
Free is always the best
photo: Emelie Hamberg
What a day, training, smoothie from heaven, the weather. On top of this, I just got the hot and really awesome news that
the stage for Comfort Hotel Grand Central Opening party tonight is moving outdoors.
Which means, free consert for you people, don´t miss it.
The Dj´s start spinning tunes around 20.30.
See you!
When I say jump, You say how high!
What a perfect day off work!
We went to Hovodøya, one of the biggest island in Oslo´s harbour area.
On the last picture you can see the well so famous ´Aker Brygge´ in the background behind that tiny ship, it´s where people trying to be someone they aren´t just to impress on another one... or just normal tourists. :)
Take your pick!
First swim in Oslo Fjorden and first JUMP-picture of the year!!
Was verry refreshing, not too cold to be honest.
One thing thou, forgot sunlotion. Looking like a crabfish at the moment! Always the same mistake.
photo:Emelie Hamberg and Susan Johansen
Aloe Vera
Quilt, park, sunshine, music and a pillow. That´s the recepie of my day. I topped it up with work at the Hotel. Metallica is in town so there is plenty of people that are in need of a room. Good times, with dream team at work
I know the blog is shit without pictures..but tomorrow Im going out to an island on my day off and I promise loads of pics.
Harley Heaven
>Im in the car with dad, chatting, and suddenly he´s making the >Schyy!< sign with his finger infront of his mouth. He´s reaching for the window switch.
Then I realize that he had spotted the deep warm sound from a group of Harley Davidson. It was like time just stopped, sun came out and everything looked idyllic. My eger to spot the Harley´s as they came closer and that smile he always gave me.<
When Im thinking of how Heaven is like for him, this picture underneath is what I see. And then I smile!
photo: African Ample Assistance
photo: Mai Phan
One day we will meet again and you can finally take me on a ride on your Harley, because this time
I will be tall enough to reach the pedals.
One day!
♥Happy 55th birthday my Angel♥
17th of May
photos: Emelie Hamberg
For an amazing day, Congrats Norway!
Dress to impress
It´s not often I wear dresses but I just love this one. <3
The weather God decided that 16th of may would be the perfect day for rain from hell. I looked like a wet street dog, luckely it was plenty of people with that significant look last night.
Night before Constitution day.
Only thumbs down this year is all the warnings about rain.
There will be champagne bottles filling breakfast tables along with strawberries, fruits, cheese and crackers and even more alcohol. Maybe I should try to see how many breakfast I can fit in this year, so many invitations.
Pretty decent problem If you ask me.
Thank you all for the big interest in my blog.. I am shocked about how many visitors I had. :)
photo: Emelie Hamberg
The circus is back in town.
Remember, while you are looking through these pics you have to be prepared of something I can most compare to -word spitting- . There will be one or several.."Wow", "Stop it", "Incredible", "Edgy" and most deffenatly
Is that lucky girl working there?!
Oh yes dear, I am. :)
Welcome to us at Grand Central.
photo: Emelie Hamberg
photo: Emelie Hamberg
photo: Hans Stenseng
edited: Emelie Hamberg
photo: Emelie Hamberg
photo:Hans Stenseng
edited: Emelie Hamberg
picture taken when the room was still in progress. photo: Emelie Hamberg
photo: Emelie Hamberg
Eric accidently came in the picture. photo: Lisa Pintar
picture: Lisa Pintar
picture: Lisa Pintar
picture: Emelie Hamberg
Art in the rooms, made by Ariel McMillion. picture: Emelie Hamberg
photo: Comfort Grand Central
edited: Emelie Hamberg
photo: Emelie Hamberg
view from the rooms located seaside. photo:Gunhild Laundal
photo: Comfort Grand Central
Now you can pick up your chin from the floor and start cleaning the floor after
all your drooling.
Oslo hit by a bomb attack
Apparently It can be another BOMB! So please,STAY INSIDE!!!!
All my thoughts goes to Oslo and it's people.
Naked truth is not always beautiful
It was soooo Yummy! The process was , ehm, messy. The outcome way better thou.
The cake; Raspberyy and Vanilla Cream cake with Colored Cream and choclate on top:
The CupCakes; Lemon flavoured with, choclate and raspberry filling, on top colored frosting.
Maria and Emelie now what the "sweet tooth" people want. ;)
I choke you with flowers if you don´t put it on
Monday. A pretty shit one aswell. Usually I like Monday´s, first day of the week, everyday is a day closer to PAYDAY... ( if I would have a job , will say)
I didn´t like this Monday, I put all my hope and wishes into the next one.
A good thing thou, I bought this cute little piece at one of those shops that makes 2000 copies of every item. Anyway, it´s absolutly gorgeous and it was cheap as. Less than 10 dollars.
Beckie Rudge would have loved me for buying a bargain like that. She is the best to find bargains I´m telling you.
Shop with that woman and you´ll be rich ´til you die.
I love LOKA!
Water is good.
This water are not good, is a divine.
Sparkling water flavoured with watermelon.
Boom, like a knock out of taste. My new drug.
Sorry, only for sale in Sweden :)
World Champions!
pic taken here; http://www.gp.se/sport/fotboll/1.677471-japan-varldsmastare-efter-straffavgorande
I am standing up and I applaud Japan!
They just achieved history!
Well done, so worthy!
Color me
Emma´s little collection of nailpolish.
Im using the apricot on the right hand side from the center.
Sunday Chill
Just look at my Chicken (of course) sweet/chili, parmesan, thyme ciabatta..
So freakin good. I´ll never ever stop my addiction for chicken or Vitamin Water.
Mmmmm, give me!
Dance bitch, Dance!
Emma celebrated her first hours on her holidays, I celebrated bronze (and of course that her vacation starts) and we went out. Freakin´sober just me and her, However it was so fun.
We are dance slaves, Im tellng you.
The gorgeous tiger picture is actually a wall in the nightclub. So beautiful, the eyes are glowing in red lights as you can see. I reckon it would be very annoying watching it during a more drunken state.
Emma I love you!
We took Bronze, WOHOO GO SWEDEN!!.. yeeey yeeey yeeey. Happy times!