Do we fit?

Okey we missing out on Tahlia here but this is little teaser of how we do it!
Hope all the sticks are in the car.. haha
Off we go!
Our roadtrip starts now and we will be back on wednesday.
4 girls
No tent
One car
No communication with life at GC (yees!)
No final destination
Craving list:
Secluded Beaches
Australia zoo
Open Fields
Paint on canvas sitting on a cliff
All phones in the glove box:)
Sunshine Coast, where ever our car takes us!:))))
Do I live with animals on a farm?
Sometimes I just wish that I had my own place but the same second I regret it because I enjoy to have people around me. How would it be if people actually could act like this was their home? Nah they throwing things on the floor walking in with dirty shoes (I know that we odd swedish people has own "house rules back home", but maybe skip it when the floor is wet after cleaning) take away the dishes and leftovers. This is not a miracle I going through I know, but its freaking disturbing.
If you are stressed, angry, sad or what ever feeling your have that blocks you from your own energy.. then I want you all find a quite place in your house, lie down in your most relaxing position,, light some candles and listen to Deva Premal and Miten.
Right now I wanna go in to a massive church and listen to a choir. So much stuff that happening right now.
It took me 7 years before I could understand what happend to me and my family.
Im so thankful that Im practising Bicram Yoga.
Enough of deep stuff, I have to find someting red for tonight. Cocktails and Dreams celebrate 21st birthday.
Dresscode; Something red.
Our roadtrip that starts on sunday will be epic , i'll tell you that much. More info about that tomorrow.
The nurse I never became
We gonna have Doctors and Nurses party at Work tonight. Is there anything Nurse Emelie can help you with just let me know. Drop in at cocktails tonight to look at all the dressed up/down people:))
Sunday BBQ!

Not much to Add.. Life is pretty good! And Yes this is right outside my house:) Sweet!
Its so fun that some random guys are playing the swedish game - Kubb! They told me that their swedish friend tought them how to build and play it. HAHA! YEAH!
Burleigh Heads embraced us while we did some rehab from last nights work. Its so fun when you can spot out Swedish people at the pubcrawl. Yesterday there was a couple that was from Eskilstuna, Sweden. Lets say that they got pretty chocked when I asked for their order in Swedish, always a happy suprise.
I will remind you back home of one thing ;we still have Winter here and that we have +27'C now. Its so cold.. Or not! Absolutly something I can get used to for a very long time.
This sunny saturday gave us nothing less then two weddings to watch. One at Burleigh Heads , the view couldnt get better. The other one is just infron of me right now. Its just infront of my house at the brigde. They couldnt ask for a more perfect day I reckon!
If you guys have bad weather and just hate me when ure reading how amazing life is over here.. dont read the following text.
When I came home from Burleigh I opened the terasse doors wide open (big slide doors) and turned the couch around so I facing the river, sun, picknick people and the wedding. Im pretty satisfied over my position right now. Queen over 35 River Drive for sure:)
Oh I forgot to tell you that I also have some tan going on while Im sitting here enjoing life!
Wierdest thing is that I cant wait until the clock hits 7 and Im at work. I love work!! I know that is little bit hard to believe since I just work 3 nights a week but I gonna fix more job during the weeks now.
Opps, I can feel some sweat drops on my back , disgusting me.
Tomorrow my housemate and I gonna have BBQ at 3 pm ish. Can just hope that the weather will stay like this.
Now I really need a nap in the sun, big night at work coming up.
Hello and welcome Friday!!
Short one.
Did a pit stop after work this morning around 3ish and picked up my stuff, in hope that it would be an awesome surfday today. Slept at Jess place and woke up to rain smashing against the window. Come on!!
Well I guess we just have to keep hoping for some better weather.
Im off to work in about an hour and I really need to solve this lazy piece of body out. I feel like over cocked pasta. Just a mess.
Energy input - in progress!
Miracle nr 2
Lets say that I was pretty happy that I found the Swedish Pear Cider the other day. You dont have to be Einstein to figure out that I would be thrilled to found another one today. Rekordelig Pear Cider.. of course its Swedish.
So me and my friends had a movie night slash cider night. Awesome times hundred!
God is really good to me right now.
Me and Jess aka Fernando tryed on a new sport today - Tennis. Lets say that we run more after the balls that came over to the other courts. We sucked.. but we had fun. And We ended over lovely day with some Bicram Yoga. How amazing can life be?!?!
Even though life is treating me good it dosent treat my close friends good. I hope everything goes well with your dad babe. I send you all my thoughts! Love you all!!
You cant do much the give your hand out can you!?
Fernando I have to fire you.. hahaha. New plan:P
Is yours working.. haha! Lets go for another tennis over this:)!
See you tomorrow Missy! (nooot!)

Missy moved to Perth to try out something new. Passion miss Peach!
Me and Jess drove her car back and did a pit stop at IKEA all time best shop if we swede miss our home.

Look how happy I am and all because I know that I soon gonna eat IKEA´s meatballs. Wihoo!
Truth is that we choose one each dessert aswell, or at least I did, Jess took two. For me Daimcake (orgasmic)
and for Jess aka JJ aka Fernando daimcake AND mazarin!
Good girl!
First visit for her at Ikea, and to quote her " With a real swede!" Talk about VIP treatment.

Woop wopp thats it. Driven by passion folks!
Off to bed, I know its the lame upload but hey.. look at the pictures and shut up!
I gonna try not do drown tomorrow, surf sesh with JJ so goodnight!
Kopparbergs Pear Cider and Bicram Yoga
Someone pushed the freeze button today...When I realised what I had infront of my eyes everything slowly started to go in slow-motion.
In australia, in Coolangatta, on the other side of the world...I see it, I grab it, I smile, I jump up and down, I almost burst out in tears. So long time ago and here it is, right infront of me and my hand grabbed it as it was meant to be.. Swedish Cider!!
Kopparbergs Päron Cider is like an angel sent from heaven.
It means that I actually never should walk in there again, I crave it all the time now. It´s the taste of Swedish Summer , yes Iam very easy to please! Who cares, U have to take the small things in life and make it to world changing feelings. Thats when u feel like me all the time, happy! Yey!
Picture perfect, just look at it!
After we took a few each and Jess Fernando (haha) grabbed a 6pack Corona we walked out to the car and the sweet sound when I open it was just amazing!!
We went to Snapper Rocks to look at her brother and other suicidal people while they were surfing the massive swell. 4ft my ass.. 5-6ft probably. After a few hours (read;one) we drove back home and I went to bicram yoga and that just completed my tremendous adventure that day. Talk about love to Bicram Yoga!
I adore my family!
What you see here above is collection of cards that my mother,brother and sister/charlie have sent me.
The biggest sponsor is mom...and behind each of them there is positive words, greetings, thoughts and alot more..
I put them all up so If I , in some way, would forget the love I have from home or get lost I always can turn
a card and find the right way or feeling.
I look at this wall everyday and I just get warmer and warmer by heart.
I lost so much in my earlier years but I cant say that I didnt learn anything, its sad to say that I didnt realise how it would be to loose the thing you take for granted before I really did that.
Love goes to heaven, I know you look down at us and smile time to time.
Thanks mom for making me to the happiest daughter I can be.
You are doing a horse job!!
Thats her in full perfection!!
I love the way you Lie
Who wouldn´t be happy to see these faces every morning?!
Such a good day at the beach last week.
People still call it winter here and I can´t stop thinking about what chock it would
be for them if they came to Sweden..Thats winter!
This weekend was the first one without Lovely in the bar and I miss her already.
Cocktails got smashed on saturday, holy maria, it was so packed of people and I really enjoyed a few of my 13hrs of work. There was someone that did my saturday little bit easier ;)
Im in love as so many times before.. in a song of course.
I dont know whats the best, all of it, Sound, lyric, Rihanna, Megan Fox, Eminem, the video.. Such a powerful song and video. Wow!
At the moment thats what I do, watching videos and feel sorry for myself, but I hope its over with that tomorrow, sick was the word- Uh!
Back to School theme at Work

Magic, blue thickening cream. Wow!
My girl,Lovely, had the winning handwriting style :), Pjuuh!

We put a candle that looked like a 5 aswell. Shana our Barmanager
celebrate 5 years at Cocktails n Dreams.

Its not a good picture but this was how we looked like:)
D´clock ofcourse.. haha!