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I adore my family!

What you see here above is collection of cards that my mother,brother and sister/charlie have sent me.
The biggest sponsor is mom...and behind each of them there is positive words, greetings, thoughts and alot more..
I put them all up so If I , in some way, would forget the love I have from home or get lost I always can turn
a card and find the right way or feeling.
I look at this wall everyday and I just get warmer and warmer by heart.
I lost so much in my earlier years but I cant say that I didnt learn anything, its sad to say that I didnt realise how it would be to loose the thing you take for granted before I really did that.
Love goes to heaven, I know you look down at us and smile time to time.

Thanks mom for making me to the happiest daughter I can be.
You are doing a horse job!!

Thats her in full perfection!!


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