Give me medicin - Beeeer
beer fever
give me a cold bloody beer and chill me down.
it has been cold here today, just +30´C so I thought let´s keep my whale shaped body in the sun 2 extra hours. It turned out to go above +35´C midday. GO Em, GO!
Healthy as hell.
it has been cold here today, just +30´C so I thought let´s keep my whale shaped body in the sun 2 extra hours. It turned out to go above +35´C midday. GO Em, GO!
Healthy as hell.
Started with my 3rd book since I arrived in Spain. Exciting as always when I´m in a good reading mood. But It´s not a page-turning book , yet.
My dear brother and his loved one are leaving us tomorrow so we´ll celebrate that with a little bbq party tonight.
Beer in the fridge and meat on the grill.
Keep ´em coming.
