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Right now I have a terrorize-all-your-friends-that-has-a-life-and-don´t-use-their-facebook-every-20min- tour.
Yes, I feel sorry for myself but thats the word right there, I don´t have a normal life right now.
It looks like this: Go up, take medication, walking like a zoombie to toilet (morning pee time), back to bed,
fall asleep, wake up, breakfast, medication, sleep, time hits lunch, get ready for the day (wich takes me twice the time that it usually does), look at the phone, call people that trying to get me out of bed earlier, do something that activate my body and brain for a while and then back to bed because I get to tired of doing all this.
In between all this basic stuff I have probably looked at my mail and facebook 10 times.

And No, this is not an okey behaviour. I feel sick of myself. On the other hand -What I wanna do I can´t do.
On monday I gonna start visit the gym again. I need to throw this terminator arm away, It´s killing me.
I´m the worst patient ever. I hate to do nothing.

Maybe I can start to learn how to do this.. I just need one arm to do that ;)


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