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Who wanna play monopoly??

This week I talked to my officers at my insurance company .. He told me that my "case" is very complicated.
As if I didn´t know.
He advised me to demand money for every little thing I could think of.
Believe me .. I'm going too!!

Now I have counted all the costs that has anything to do with my arm..
Not an easy task, so far it´s around 10 074,598 Swedish kronor (U.S. $ 1404.771).
So much money!!
Now I have ,perhaps, the most difficult thing to go, explain
 -in writing-
 (belive me it will be in swedish.. Don´t you all love my swenglish!?!?! LOL) 
of all I want compensation for and
what has and hasn´t worked between me and my incurance company and SOS International.

Such a lovely Saturday.


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