Brazilian, American, Irish?!?
Brazilian, American, Irish... COOOOME ON!!
Give me a brake, I´m Swedish!!
This was me before yesterdays work and I fucking killed it!!! Best tips ever and was home in bed 5:40 - Sweet!
Good hours.
Dee and Luke visit me aswell.. made my night for sure.
After 9 hours of bad sleep I woke up and felt as someone had hit me with a truck.
Today I gonna drink beer I think. Need to refil my body with more bad stuff.
Cant lose weight and do nothing about it.
Gonna call the Kickboxing club this week. Im like a kid, so wanna start now.. and believe me the kicks will be stronger than ever.
Found one school I probably wanna go to here but need to look at some more to compare.
Personal trainer cert 3 and 4/Fitness/Boxing Instructor