Swedish Candy, HANDWRITTEN letters, postcard with text on each of them,
PICTURE OF MY PRINCE + a balloon (haha couldnt stop laughing..)
and moms version of the famous Dalahästen (hysterical laugh again!!!)
I love you soo much!
My only Prince in life - Charlie!!
Ey sis.. thanks sooo much for this, the letter, picture and the Balloon!
I finally tried Bicram Yoga wich is as it sounds - Yoga .. But its a bit different to normal yoga.
This class is in a +37´C room for 90 min and you are not allowed to go out. If you feel like you gonna faint you just relax for a while and continue when you are okey again.
I was seriously scared of this class.. but.. I ended up loving it.
After 10 min I thought I would melt..
I have never seen that amount of sweat on my body, holy macaroni!
Some sweet info tho...
Kcal 729
Min heartrate 130
Max heartrate 209(!!)
I gonna go tomorrow aswell, if u never tried it it def have to end up on your Bucketlist!!
SIICK training!!