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Give me snow!

At the moment Im stuck in this shithole called town and Im bitter as hell, reason, I cant descide what I wanna do. I miss Norway like nothing before, I miss everything with it. I met a Norwegian girl yesterday and it was so nice to speak norwegian again.
I dont miss Sweden but I do miss family and friends. I miss Gold Coast and my friends and work and I have no Idea why I do all this for. Oh yeah thats right, my second year visa in this countrie!
Well well, I put my head down and just keep going on I guess.
I need inspiration from what ever send me a letter/postcard/package and help me survive this time.
11 weeks to go!

But again what is 11 weeks of my life.
Good spirit is streaming through my system... Well I wish.. its coming. Gonna join a gym tomorrow so hey, life will be sweet soon!:)

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