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I have been a naughty fuck!

And the perfect start would be : Im so sorry for not updating my blog!
Since Im older and more wise now (25yo- panicattack!!!!!)
I know that I cant put such a cliche lie as first sentence.
I have been busy.
End of discussion.

Whats new?
We have been badly flooded here, we are alright but there are many who's not.
Expecting a cyclone around the 25th this month - classified 5 (thats big!!)
I have a New Years Resolution: Since I just turned 25 (baaaah panicattack again) I thought that It would be perfect to see 5 different countries this year.
So far Canada, Whistler, is on the schedule for the winter season..
Looks like India or South America can be something in my taste before that.. maybe even Norway for a quickie, who knows.
As you know Im not much of a planer, spontaious is the thing so what ever I write here, nothing will be 100% sure until Im on a plane somewhere.
Whats more...
I am totally into this guy... opps I forgot he is my boyfriend now.. Boom!
Lucky me!

And I have just 2 weeks left in this "amazing" and "wonderful" place called Bundaberg.

Tonight we are celebrating mine and another guys 25th birthday and Lauras 20th, theme for the night, Cops and Robbers!

Stay tuned, pictures will be up shortly!


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